can i put hot water on my car windows to thaw the ice

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10.12.2009 ˇ Best Answer: If it is the door itself frozen,I pour hot water around the door seams. De-icer will work sometimes, but water is free and de-icer ain't. If
03.12.2010 ˇ Best Answer: Do NOT put water on the lock, thats why it is frozen because there is water in it. Adding more is going to cause more of a problem. Not sure
Both my car doors and lock mechanisms are.
06.12.2007 ˇ Both my car doors and lock mechanisms are frozen shut. I do not have a garage to put it in to thaw out.?
20.12.2006 ˇ you could pour warm water on to the screen and turn the wipers on but not to hot water as this will crack your screen or u could buy one of them ice
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can i put hot water on my car windows to thaw the ice
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can i put hot water on my car windows to thaw the ice
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