Achy, body chills, headache, swollen glands

Swollen ?gland? under tongue.
Swollen SubMandibular Gland - Ear, Nose &.
swollen glands, sore throat, heaviness,.
Okay--Here are the symptoms: (of course, by this time, I've convinced myself I have oral cancerbrowsing on the internet is not a good idea) --sore throat for a
WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms Enlarged or swollen glands, Fever, Headache and Mouth sores and
Enlarged or swollen glands, Fever,.
Headache Neck Ache Cough. Nausea Fever.
Several months ago I noticed that my Submandibular gland was swollen. Well at first I believed it to be a lymph node and before that I never even bothered to check
WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms Chills, Fever, Headache and Skin rash and including Lyme disease
Enlarged or swollen glands, Fever,.
I have a sore throat, body aches,.
Achy, body chills, headache, swollen glands
Enlarged or swollen glands, Fever,.Ulcers & swollen glands - Mouth Ulcers.
22.01.2008 · feeling achy and tired for the past 2 days and want to sleep, my throat is on fire and dry. Drinking alot of water and taking tylenol.
Headache Neck Ache Cough. Nausea Fever Head Ache, Diarrhea, Fever, Chills Body.
I am a 20 year old female and two days ago I woke up with swollen glands and a really bad sore throat. Later on that day it progressed to chills and a fever. I couldn
Achy, body chills, headache, swollen glands
swollen lymph nodes. achy feeling and.Ulcers & swollen glands : 162 messages in this subject Hi - I don't think anyone has asked exactly this quetion on the board before - sorry if it does duplicate
lately I have been feeling a little off. I have been getting chills and feeling just achy all over with headhaches. I have checked for a fever and always get 97 or 98